Lesson 16 January 18, 2004





f. The believer however can be greatly influenced by demons through the counterfeits of truth and systems of thought, philosophies which we've already noted. 



** It is necessary to maintain your relationship with Christ,  your dominate spiritual status of being under the rulership of God/H-S so that you can walk by faith applying the truth, DVPT, in your life insulates you, protects you from demon influence, false teachers with their systems of false BD, and whatever form of temptation you might face.


1 Tim 4:16  



g. Thru permission they can inflict physical problems/tests on believers; 


#1  Job 1-2, God set  definite limits on Satan and his  operatives; what they could do to Job;


#2  Paul, 2 Cor 12:7,  “thorn in the flesh”


#3  1 Cor 5:5;  case of a believer living in flagrant sin, incest, mother-in law;






How are we to deal with the potential problem of demon influence which eventuates in spiritual blindness, myopia, hardness of heart towards the Word of God; an antagonism towards God, a departure from the faith, apostasy; and leading to corrupt conduct and practice; ie. a lifestyle that rejects DVPT and N&S?



7. Casting out of Demons:

a. JC had the authority to and did cast out demons.  Mt 4:24;   8:16; Mk 1:27; 5:8;      Lk 8:2

b. The Disciples were given this authority as well.  Mt 10:8; Lk 9:1

c. The Appointed 70 to evangelize Israel could .  Lk 10:1,17

d. The casting out is done via the Holy Spirit.  (key) Mt 12:28

e. Unbelievers are in physical danger when they try to cast out demons by magic formulas.  Acts 19:12-15

f. The Gospel today will cast out demons, if the possessed person believes.


g. There are indications that the ability to cast out demons was a temporary sign gift that would be compatible with the Gifts of Healing and Miracles, as well as Discerning of Spirits.


h.  Not all who claim to cast out demons are Believers.  Mt 7:22



8. The key to understanding the function of Fallen Angels is to realize that they are counterfeiters of Truth:    1 Tim 4:l = deceitful spirits with false doctrine

a. So they can control UB’s with no overt hint of what their intent is. 

2 Cor 4:3-4 blinding  the mind, the thinking of unbeliever


(A person does not have to act insane if he is demon possessed - spiritual insanity, buying into what is false will “shine” thru).

b. They will use false teachers with their smooth and flattering speech to side track believers from the issues.  Rom 16:18

c. They will counterfeit the functions of Believers to present Human Good.        Mt 7:22 (see above)

d. Their operation and doctrine has been manifested throughout history.  Gen to Rev.


B.L. Need to remember that  Angels are basically messengers of information from their respective leader, God or Satan.



MAN:  (3rd party to the Conflict)  

1.  Man is the Third Party in the Conflict.  But why??????

2.  Both the First and Second Parties seek to influence the thinking, the decisions and therefore the actions of man.



3.  Man is the weakest of those involved in the angelic conflict.  Ps 8:5;  2 Pt 2:11; Heb. 2:7

4.  Man can only recognize visible and material things through normal means of perception through the natural system.  cf 1 Cor 2:10-16

5.  Spiritual things are recognized in a Regenerate person through the ministry of the Holy Spirit.  1 Cor 2:10-16