Lesson 19  January 25, 2004



1.  Spirituality (Absolute):

a.  God is immaterial.

b.  Angels are material in body, immaterial having characteristics of personality and invisible  to man.

c.  Man is material in body and immaterial in soul.


2.  God is Eternal Life, while Angels and Man have Everlasting Life. 


3.  All three Parties possess Self-Consciousness.


4.  Infinity (Absolute):

a.  God is infinite without boundary and transcends the Universe to an infinite degree.

b.  Angels and Man are both finite creatures and have a habitat that was created by God.


5.  God is Self-Limited by His Attributes in that one essence cannot contradict another.


6.  Man and Angels have Volition, that is the ability to choose between various courses of action.


7.  God has no Source, always existed, while Man and Angels have their Ultimate Source or origin from God.


8.  God is Immutable, while both Man and Angels are Changeable from day to day.


9.  God is Absolute Truth and knows all Truth (OmSc).  He does not acquire knowledge.  Man and Angels learn truth by choice and observation.



10.  God is Perfect Love and needed no object but Himself:

a.  Angels and Un-fallen Man were initially the recipients of God's Love.

b.  But with the fall and sin, God's love had to be filtered thru His +R/J (His holiness) so  as to not compromise His Essence.

c.  His Love is the motivator to provide salvation for man, John 3:16


11.  God is transcendent and therefore not subject to time, but both Angels and Man are.


12.  God has the same intensity at all points, while Angel's and Man's  intensity is limited because they are finite beings and therefore limited to one location.


13.  God is Omnipresent while  Man and Angels are both finite creatures limited to one location.


14.  God is Omniscient, while Angels have less knowledge than God, but more than Man.


15.  God is Absolute Power (Omnipotence), while Angels are simply powerful, and more so than Man.  2 Pt 2:11


16.  God is Absolutely Truthful to Himself and to all Creation:

a.  Angels had to choose whether or not to believe the truth or Satan's lie!

b.  So does Man.


17.  God is Absolutely Faithful to His Creation in expressing His Divine Attributes:

a.  Elect Angels are Loyal to Him while Unsaved Angels are not.

b.  Man has to make a choice concerning each circumstance faced.  (O/A)


18.  God deals in Grace towards His Creatures with volition, both Man and Angels are recipients.


19.  He demands +R/J from His creatures, while Man and Angels must adjust to it.


20.  God has Motivations which are always Perfect, always consistent with the expression of  His Essence.  Angels have Emotions as does Man and therefore their motivations are  subject to change on the basis of experience or situation faced.


21.  There is no Sin nor Evil in God, while His volitional creatures have volition make choices in violation of the will of God. 


22.  God has always been Perfect:

a.  Angels started out that way, as did Adam and Eve.

b.  No one born except Jesus Christ starts out perfect, that is minus sin nature.





1.  They have a different type of Body at the present time:

a.  At the Resurrection/Rapture we will have a body very similar to theirs. cf Lk 20:35-36

b.  They presently behold Christ as He is.  Rev 4-5

c.  We will be able to see Him as He is in the fullness of His glory in our new bodies.      1 Jn 3:2


2.  Angels were not created condemned (Eze 28:15), but man is born condemned in Adam.  Rom 5:12


3.  All Angels and Adam and Eve initially received God's Love, whereas mankind that is born receives His Justice with the Imputation of Adam's Original Sin.  Rom 5:12-14

4.  Angels are faster (go back and forth to the 3rd heaven), more powerful (2 Pt 2:11) and more intelligent than man, but they do not approach God.

5.  Angels had a choice regarding sin concerning whether or not to fall, whereas man is condemned from birth.

6.  Mankind was placed in a lower status than angels initially:


a.  "Lower" in regards to the status of  humanity refers to entry into the  world in a Fallen State for all the descendants of Adam.

b.  Lower also refers to initially being in a position of no glory and honor;  Jn 17:5 cf   Heb 2:7  [rem:  kenosis set aside the independent use of His diety]

c.  Subject  to man's hostile environment;  Heb 2:7-8

d.  And subject to physical death.  Heb 2:9