Lesson 27  February 11, 2004


28:15  We find the fall of Lucifer

"You were blameless in your ways from the day you were created, Until unrighteousness was found in you."


Question we need to answer is this,  just what is this unrighteousness referred to here??


- unrighteousness  hl'w[;  (`awlâ)  basic = to deviate from a right standard;


-  Speaks of any behavior that is contrary to God's will that he must respond to in judgment.


Need to Shift to Isa. 14:12-14  for details of the first sin, Satan's fall

14:12  "How you have fallen from heaven, O star of the morning, son of the dawn!"

In typical Hebrew style we have the result of his sin stated first.


14:13  "But you said in your heart,"

-  Most basic sin is always mental Attitude sin!



The origin of sin is not an act but an attitude.



The 5 I wills examined. Isa 14:13-14

1. "I will ascend to heaven;"  (vs:13a) 

With this statement he expresses his desire to occupy and settle into the 3rd heaven; on an equal basis with God.




2.  "I will raise my throne above the stars of God." (vs:13b)

-  Although he had great power/authority as the anointed or  guardian cherub;  it wasn't enough, aspired to more.




3.  "And I will sit on the mount of assembly in the recesses of the north."   (vs:13c)

-  again we see the desire to govern and rule;





4.  "I will ascend above the heights of the clouds;"  (vs:14a)

- Ascend above what?  the cloud (sg.) (b[') refers to the divine presence;


- His expressed desire here is to attain the glory that  rightfully belongs to God.




5.  "I will make myself like the most High." (vs:14b)


-  "make myself like"  damah   hmd   to be like in the sense of  comparable to someone or something.



Who can compare himself with God?   No one!  But that's what Satan did.                       Isa 40:18; 25;  46:5


-  Satan picks a most appropriate name for God.  Elyon   !Ayl.[,



** Satan says here in Isa 14, "I want that place!  I don't want to share it, or to split it,  I want that place."



**  Concl:  Satan asserts his will against the will of God and what is the result, we have a  2nd will introduced into the universe!




1.  Since God judges all (Heb 12:23) and Satan was the first  to violate God's standard, he was the first to be tried and judged.


2.  He was found guilty and the sentence was passed.  Jn 16:11; Mt 25:41


3.  Satan was put on trial and judged for his sins. (See Eze 28:18)

a. Divine laws for Angels had to be in existence and known before any sin could be committed.

-  Principle is given in Rom.  4:15;  5:13

b. Some obvious laws that had to be in effect:

1) There is one God to be worshipped.   Ex. 20:3 

2)  Prohibition of distorted and incorrect communication about God, lack of veracity.

- Ex. 20:7;  Jn 8:44  for he is a liar and the father of lies.


3)  Should have recognized that his existence and position were on the basis of Grace. 


4)  There was a blatant rejection of the supreme authority of God  and the chain of command He had established. 


5)  God's truth communicated is not to be twisted or distorted as he did.


4.  Did you notice that every single one of his sins we find resident in mankind?