Daniel Study Notes Lesson # 19


Observations Lessons from Chapter 5.

1.  No nation, no matter how great,  can survive apostasy and blasphemy  against God.  Babylon is no exception.   As is USA.


2.  God judges all nations and individuals who deny, disobey or disregard His Word.


3.  The rise and fall of nations ultimately depends on the Sov of God.


4.  The unbeliever must inevitably depend on man and human viewpoint; the believer who rejects God's revelation, also must depend on human viewpoint.


5.  Our breath of life, neshemah,  is in God's hands, power.  5:23


Daniel Chapter Six

Darius's  Decree




Comparison between Babylon and M-P.

  #1  Is the deification of man.  All focus on man.  True of all human rule,  they center on man.    3:1 for Babylon    6:7 for M-P

  #2  Either you worship man or die. Therefore rule is by deadly force.   3:6 for Babylon          6:7 end for M-P

  #3  Great attempt for internationalism, all worshiping the same way.     3:4 for Babylon        6:12  for M-P

  #4  Believers in the minority, throughout. 


All 4 of these characteristics will be intensified then in the final stage of history before the return of Christ.





Details of ch-6

1.  Daniel exalted and envied.  6:1-9

a.  Transition of power and Daniel's promotion.  6:1-3



"he possessed an extraordinary spirit"   had inner character and strength because of his relationship with God, something the others did not have;


Power and ability in life; demonstration of character under all kinds of circumstances comes from the combination does it not of two things;  Word and the Spirit.

#1  The choices made to acquire a knowledge of God's Word;   finding out His viewpoint so that we know which way we ought to be going in any situation that we face.

#2 The daily choice to live in the sphere of that relationship with God applying the Word learned under the  enabling that comes from the indwelling Spirit.



b.  Daniel's Opposition  6:4-9


Jealousy is the motivation for those opposing Daniel.


We can say 5 things about Daniel's opposition from this section.

#1  They are schemers.


#2  They were also liars!


#3  They were united, they worked together.


#4  They were hypocrites.


#5  They were vicious.




Notice the statement in 6:8 "the law of the Medes and Persians which may not be provoked "