Lesson 29


The Prayer itself begins with vs:4

It revolves around 4 themes:

       #1  Recognition of the person and character of YHWH; vs:4

       #2  Confession;  vs:5-11 

       #3  The calamity which has come upon them  vs:12-14

       #4  The petition made;  vs:15-19


#1  9:4  Recognition of the person and character of YHWH.

YHWH is great and awesome;    Neh. 9:32

Keeps His covenant and loving-kindness.





#2  Confession;  vs:5-11  Each of these verses contain a reference to their sin;  it is a very thorough confession of their Sin as a people, corporately.





Vs:6  All of this sinful activity was the result of the nation's departure from the Word of God.


They had not listened to the prophets;  2 Chr. 36:16 = response.



vs:7-11  See the extent of his confession


-  The extent of the rebellion; who is involved??  See that in vs:7-8;



Having contrasted God's righteousness and the condition of Israel in their sin;  Daniel now turns to contrast the great mercies and forgiveness of God and the sin of Israel.


It is on this ground or basis that Daniel makes his plea to God in his prayer, that He is a God of mercies and forgiveness.


Being mindful of the mercies and forgiveness of God,  Daniel plunges right back into reiterating Israel's great sin in vs:9b-11.



#3  The calamity which has come upon them.  vs:12-14.

In vs:12-14 he itemizes the calamity, the judgment brought on them by God as a result of their sin.


Vs:13  shows the response of the people; just how negative they were, how hardened they were to God and His Word.