Daniel Study - Lesson 40

>  Some Observations

1.   Throughout Daniel we have noted that God makes no mistakes with His people.   Nothing is left to chance!


2.  The God of history has given Daniel insight into the coming centuries; a look down the corridors of history right down to the time of the severe testing of the 70th week, which we will see next in the career of the Antichrist, GWD, and his global conquest.


3.  One theologian, Wallace writing in his book, "The Lord is King, the Message of Daniel" observes at this point in the context:

The message of the chapter stands out clearly: history as it moves toward its end can be seen to have no clear meaning.  Nor will it ever be seen to have any purpose or meaning till we are  able  to look back on it from the standpoint of what has happened  at its end and climax...Where Ecclesiastes proclaimed the nonsense of life without faith, Daniel helps us to see the nonsense of  trying to have faith unless at the same time we have hope in what is  going to be at the time of the end.





Intro Observations:

  1.  Here we see a picture of the GWD, having attained the stature, and position of world power.  (7:23)


  2.  In 11:36-39 we have an expanded description of the GWD.


  3.  Some try to claim that A/E is still in the picture here;  all in past He was the type, seen in vs:21-35 also earlier in 8:9-14.


  4.  This whole section then is eschatological in nature;  it looks to the future;  it anticipates what is to come.



So this section is  future to us!   REASONS we can say that:

    1.  As we noted 11:35 provides a transition, to this next sequence.

"until the end time" - which takes us to the events leading up to the return of Christ.



    2.  The phrase "until the indignation is finished."

- Indignation     [ts'am]  most often is used of God's wrath expressed in judgment for disobedience and rebellion.  Lam 2:6;  Ezk 21:31;  22:31; Dan 8:19;  includes the nations  Zeph 3:8




    3.  12:1 also points to the time of the events;  "now at that time"




>  Outline of section:

11:36-39 GWD His character;  how he relates to others 

11:40-45 Great war GWD's  power & authority is challenged



   >   Factors of this time of the end covered by this context:

1.  There is a world ruler   11:36  (7:23)

2.  There is a world religion  (all will worship the GWD - 11:37; Rev 13)

3.  There will be a world war  11:40-45

4.  There will be a time of great tribulation for Israel 12:1b

5.  There will be deliverance for the people of God  12:1c

6.  There will be a resurrection of the OT saints  12:2

7.  There will be a reward for the righteous  12:3



11:36  The willful king!  The GWD   (verse is loaded)


1.  He regards his will as absolute!   (consistent with 2 Ths 2:4)

Practical Application:

Here we see the climax of evil;   maturation of evil in human history; 



2. He regards himself as deity.

We see him as the climax of humanism;  Purpose of humanism is to make man god.


3. He is especially in opposition to the one true God, hwhy

"speak monstrous things against the God of gods" (God of Scripture)  also Rev 13:5-6



4. He will function successfully for a set period of time.

"will prosper"  indicates God allows him to function.

"until" expresses that there is a limitation, only for a time!



** Need to remember,  very important principle:  God allows sin and rebellion to run its course.  But make no mistake He is in control, and all sin and evil will be judged.


> From vs:37 we find our next characteristic of the GWD  -  Focus is His religion.