Lesson 42 September 29


2:26  The analogy to physical death and the harmony of faith and works (link).


For just as the body without the spirit is dead,





so also faith without works is dead.



What's he saying?

Faith - doctrine w/o application is totally worthless,  having no bonifide production in the life, its dead.  That is attempting to live life apart from the DOA's under one's own strength - abilities - weaknesses.


Summary 2:26

1.  This analogy directly parallels what he has been teaching since 2:14.


2.  Notice that in each portion of the analogy when the necessary quality is missing death results.


3.  James presents man as having two elements;  material and immaterial.


4.  The immaterial part of man is actually 2 parts for a believer - soul and human spirit. Therefore Believer is trichotomous 1 Thes 5:23.


5.  It was only when the neshemah was given to Adam did he receive the immaterial part and became a living being.  Gen 2:7


6. The physical body has no life apart from the soul.

-  All life comes from God. Isa 42:5


7. Physical death always occurs when the soul is unplugged from the body.

(For the believer when they're soul and spirit leaves the body the body is dead.)


8.  Jesus died physically when he dismissed his spirit. Lk23:46; Mt 27:50;  Mk 15:37 (gave it up willingly Jn 10:17-18)



9.  BDRS unapplied leads to a worthless faith;  worthless Christianity.

- the best one can crank up is human good which is totally unacceptable  to God - filthy rags.


10.  The believer is under self deception when they think that all they need is to know the truth. 1:22


11. Picture yourself as being pushed around in a casket - faith w/o works is dead.



12. James is attacking those who have some BD and don't exhibit any resultant action in life.


13. You must be obedient to the commands of scripture, the WOG, to realize the provisions and the blessings that are use in Christ.



                                James Chapter Three

                                    Slow to Speak



The subject of vs:1-12 is the power of the tongue to cause harm and the necessity for control of the tongue.



One's speech is so important because it reveals what is in his heart - content and rulership. Mt 12:34-37.


3:1  Let not many of you become teachers 




my brethren   reminds us again that he is addressing fellow believers


Why not become teachers??

- knowing that as such WE shall incur a stricter judgment.



- What Judgment is in view?  - JSC by LJC.