Lesson 75





5:11 The Example of Job

We count those blessed who endured.


Notice who are the Blessed here!!

who endure.  lit. the ones who endured  hu`pomenw   

-  to remain under, to exhibit patient endurance under adverse circumstances - i.e. the  prophets





You have heard of the endurance of Job


endurance   hu`pomonh  -  not just patience but patient endurance,   has the emphasis of patience over the long haul, having ability to stay under pressure


and have seen the outcome of the Lord's dealings,

-  the emphasis James makes is on the outcome - the final result  (telos = end,  goal or objective)



Job's experience (big picture) is proof  that the Lord is full of compassion and is merciful.



Prin: The same God who vindicated Job, who was abundant in compassion and mercy toward him, will also sustain you in your time of need.


Summary  5:11

1. BEHOLD calls our attention to those who exhibit this virtue as being worthy of our attention. (are good teaching examples)


2. James is exhorting them to apply their experiences to their own situation, to learn from them.


3. Those that endured refers to those who persevered and successfully dealt with the testing faced in life.


4. They were examples of believers who were faithful to the end not just those who passed a number of tests only to fold before death.


5. This is the same term James used in 1:3-4 as a necessary factor in the process of reaching spiritual maturity and as essential to inheriting a crown of life in 1:12.


6. Job is an especially good example of the doctrinal principle in view - endurance under max pressure.


Job 13:5;  23:10




7.  Job was not perfect under his testing - made several protests to God.

- Job 7:11-16; 10:18; 30:20-23


8.  But Job endured his sufferings and even in them remained loyal to God.

- Job 1:21; 2:10; 16:19; 19:25-27


9.  As an encouragement to his readers James reminds them to look at the outcome of Job's sufferings. (focus on the results)


10. The Lord indeed was full of compassion and mercy for he delivered him from all his sufferings and provided him with even greater blessing than he had before his loss.  2x Job 42:10-17


11.  Job became a stronger believer - his faith was refined which resulted from doctrine applied under the pressure.


12.  The outcome of our undeserved suffering oriented to will be followed by an appropriate reward  in time and at the Judgment Seat of Christ.


13.  We must avoid bitterness and reaction and outright negative volition while in any test.


14. Job's case demonstrates the great compassion and mercy of the Lord towards imperfect but positive believers.


15.  His dealings with positive believers in vindicating His word in their souls is the same today.


16.  James is concerned that they do not react like the cosmos to their tests and CHP's.


17.  Some have pursued the cosmos with all its delusions but God will restore and provide them with greater grace when they make the course correction.  (James 4:7-10)