Lesson 16

                       Revelation Chapter 6


The 6 Seals of Rev 6 - The  Detail


Seal #1  Rider on the White Horse!  6:1-2


Some comparisons:

1. Arrival on the scene;  both come on white horses;  ch19 = Christ

2. Crowns; 6:2 crown = ste,fanoj  an earned reward;

In 19:12  diadems  dia,dhma  kings crown, with the emphasis on authority


3. Weapons used 6:2;  bow, distant warfare;   19:15  sharp sword coming out of his mouth


Conclusion then that we must draw is that they are not the same and that this rider on     the white horse is a counterfeit, a false Messiah.


Imagery used;

1. "white horse"; horses indicate the intervention into human affairs. 

- white = righteousness and holiness; here it would be counterfeit.

2. "bow" = notice its a bow w/o arrows



1. The first seal indicates that this is a time of peace, no warfare,  no blood shed; a time of bloodless conquest. [Diplomacy dominates]


2. This tells us that the Trib. begins with a period of peace established by a counterfeit, a false Messiah; GWD


3. Perspective for us:

a. major world wide peace talks, plans, movements are significant indicators.  [converging conditions]

b. Is there a trend in the thinking of the day to accept, to be open to peace proposals.


Seal #2  6:3-4   War!

The empty bow is exchanged for a great sword.

It is at this point that the false peace is removed,  it’s a counterfeit peace of the everlasting peace that will come under the Messiah's reign.


From this point all the way to the end of the Trib there will be wars ultimately culminating in the big one, the battle of Armageddon. 


Having rejected the substance of the real Christ, they buy into the pseudo peace of the false Messiah; and they quickly find the white horse followed by the red scourge of war.


Imagery here; the red horse;  God's wrath poured out,   



Seal #3 The Black Horse  -  Famine.   Economic Judgment  6:5-6

One of the things that often follows warfare is famine; especially in those areas where the battles are fought; crops are destroyed; the whole agriculture routine is upset.

Black is the color of mourning and famine.


The rider on the black horse carries a scale, a balance used to weigh out grain, here wheat and barley, for purchase.  The nature of this judgment is economic.   (poverty and famine)


Curious phrase at the end; "do not harm the oil and the wine."

- this speaks of the luxury food items; they will not be in short supply as the wheat and barley but most will not be able to purchase, only the very rich, will be able to buy what they want.



Seal # 4 The Pale horse - Death 6:7-8

ashen, pale =  clwro,j; yellowish green; color of death, corpse; or the bleached look of one struck with terror

This is the 4th horseman of the Apocalypse is the most devastating of the horseman.

"...he who sat on it had the name Death; and Hades was following with him."


Death and hades:  appears together 3 other times in Rev.

#1 In 1:18 Christ said, "I have the keys of death and of hades"

- Says Christ has the key to unlocking the hold that spiritual death, and the sting of physical death have for the one who believes.



#2  20:13-14 (2 times)

- Situation here is the 2nd resurrection; all unbelievers of all of human history are raised to appear at the GWTJ.


#3 6:8  Death does not end it all!

- Death claims the body, while Hades, the temporary abode for the immaterial part of man claims the soul and the spirit.

- What John sees here is these 2, death with Hades following, personified, going forth to claim their prey, armed with weapons;  sword, w/famine, w/pestilence and wild beasts.


Notice it says that  And authority was given to them over a fourth of the earth,

Note to remember: In all of these terrible judgments, need to realize that God is in control, these are all from the throne of judgment, and in all of it His purposes  will be accomplished.


This marks the end of the horsemen; a break in the sequence of seal judgments;

This break is also noted in Mt 24:8 by the statement that the preceding conditions, judgments are but the beginning of birth pangs.