Lesson 116

Romans Chapter Nine

The Faithfulness of God to Israel




Outline section:

Romans  9 = Israel's Past    

Romans 10 = Israel's Present

Romans 11 = Israel's Future


Note: Israel is the only nation with a detailed past history, a present history, and a future history.



- Many take this next section, ch. 9-11 to be a parenthesis


- What is Paul's normal pattern?? 



- What Paul develops here is a necessary part of his argument or extension of his argument in ch. 1-8



- Behind all the teaching, the arguments Paul presented in ch.1-8 is what?   



- When we approach ch. 9-11 we must ask how it all fits with the flow and thrust of the book.


What about those promises God made to Israel?     The covenants made with Israel?  I thought they were unconditional?



The Jews are a unique special people with a special relationship with God. 

   Ex. 19:5; Dt. 14:2; 26:18; Psa 135:4



-  Need to Review the Eternal Unconditional Covenants God made with Israel:

A covenant is an agreement between 2 parties that determines what their relationship is going to be.

The agreement determines the relationship;

These covenants are made between God and Israel.  

- Abrahamic - basic,  a seed, a posterity, all blessed  [Gen. 12:1-3]


- Palestinian - Land  [Dt. 30:1-10; Gen. 15:18-21 extent; Gen. 13:14-17]


- Davidic  - King on David's throne  [2 Sam. 7:10-16]


- New Covenant  - Spiritual blessings at restoration  [Jer. 31:31f]


The nature of all of these covenants is that they are eternal,  unconditional, they are permanent agreements made by God.

-  Jer. 33:14-18; 31:35-40 their spiritual unfaithfulness does not negate.


The object or recipient of these agreements is Israel!  9:4


-  Probably first on the list would revolve around the fact that they would take the promises of these covenants literally and therefore would say, many of the provisions of the covenants have never been fulfilled, has God walked away from His promises to us?


-  They also might ask themselves, who is king right now? Is it someone of David's line on the throne? No!




Chapter 9 outline:

1. 9:1-3 Paul's great anguish for his people;

2. 9:4-5 Israel's advantages

3. 9:6-13 God's faithfulness to Israel

    #1 not based on their genealogy;  physical descent 9:6-10

    #2 not based on human performance  9:11-13

4. 9:14-18  God's righteousness in dealing with Israel

5. 9:19-29  God's justice manifested in dealing with Israel

6. 9:30-33  God's grace manifested in dealing with Israel




Romans  9 = Israel's Past    


1. 9:1-3 Paul's great anguish for his people;

-  When Paul looked at Christ as we have seen him do in the previous chapters, and realized all that was his, and ours, as a result of our relationship with Christ, the risen, glorified, ascended Christ; he could do nothing but rejoice! 


-  But here, he turns his focus to his people, Israel, a people who for the most part he has seen reject the gospel communicated to them and therefore were lost and on their way to an eternity separated from God in the Lake of Fire, and he wept.



How does he know that what he speaks is true?   Vs.1-2




vs.3  Here Paul expresses a desire that could not be realized!



In all of history there were only 3 men who were willing to be cut off from God [emphasis of anaqema, w/consequences, wrath] for the sake of others; 


- One of course is Paul here; another is Moses Ex. 32:30-35;


- Jesus Christ was the other; he was only one qualified and He did, on the cross!